Información General de la Colección
Registro # : 3232 (Registro sin editar)
Fecha Colección: 23 Abr 2007
Colector: M. Jones, Acomp. por: Mikko Putkonen
# Colección: 602
Determina: R. C. Moran , 10 Jul 2007
Tipo: Especimen
Sitio: La Selva, OET; Nearest grid post 900:150 Tree fern. Growing on soil covering roots of massive fallen tree approx. 3 m above ground level. Trunk approx. 2 m.
Notas de Campo : Helecho, Fértil Scales on trunk and at petiole base very dark brown with creamy edges. Petiole and rachis fleshy and green, with a red-brown stripe beneath, with very small green spines and dense white pubescence. Fronds of largest individual to 2.5 m lon