Información General de la Colección
Registro # : 4548 (Registro sin editar)
Fecha Colección: 27 Jul 1998
Colector: B. Boyle
# Colección: 5584
Determina: R. Valverde , 01 May 2007
Tipo: Especimen
Sitio: La Selva, OET; On sendero occidental(ca. #350)trail. Off trail ca. 20 m perpendicular to trail. Tropical wet forest. 10ø26"00"N, 84ø00"30"W; elevation 50 m.
Notas de Campo : Tree ca. 1m tall. Lvs 6.1-6.4 m long, petiole 1.8-2 m 1 ong, young lvs red. Fertile specimens taken from tree (DBH:14.5, ca. 9m to basal grn leaf). Dupl. include 1 leaf in 3 sections, 1 immat leaf; part of 1 infl., 1 infr, 1 influ b ase with Dup 1.