Información General de la Colección
Registro # : 8693 (Registro sin editar)
Fecha Colección: 16 Jul 1980
Colector: B. Hammel
# Colección: 9221
Determina: J. González , 30 Abr 2013
Tipo: Especimen
Sitio: La Selva, OTS; Same as BEH #10621, East River Road, 1350 m East, just East of Waterfall Trail
Notas de Campo : Understory tree 12 m tall, 25 cm DBH, wood fragrant, slightly of wintergreen. Leaves glossy, stiff, leathery, buds white, lavender towards base. Flowers white. Vegetativley easily mistaken for Tovomitopsis but lacks resinous sap.